Why we poured acid on our victim – Ghanaians robbers


The Inspector – General of Police Intelligence Response Team ( IRT ) Led by DCP Abba Kyari has arrested two Ghanaians who poured raw acid on their victim after robbing him at the Olukwu area of Benin, Edo State.

The Ghanaians, Eric Aidan and Matthew Kwasha who were described by the Police as notorious Criminals who specialised in killing their victims with raw acid after dispossessing them of their Properties, especially vehicles were Arrested by IRT.  

Police investigation reveals that the Ghanaians mode of operation was to seek employment as a driver or conductor in haulage companies during which they would study the company and perfect ways to divert their employers goods and sell the vehicles.
And after selling the goods they will relocate to another place where they would apply for the same position in another company.

The last operation that gave them out 
was the incident of December 9, when they attacked a driver, Taiwo Adesanya with raw acid in Olukwu area of Benin City and they left him because they thought he was dead before they snatched his truck loaded with 600 bags of sugar and dragged him out of the truck.
After the attack, The Company Reported to the nearby police station and when nothing was coming frm the Conventional Police investigation in Benin, The victim’s company petitioned the Inspector – General of Police who directed the Officer In charge of IRT, DCP Abba Kyari, to go after the robbers and bring them to justice. And After Days Of unrelenting follow up the Prime Suspects Mentioned above Arrested by IRT in Nsuka Enugu State when they visited a Herbalist to prepare Charms for them to Evade Arrest. 

The victim who narrated his ordeal in excruciating pains said: “I am a driver with Limtob Global Ventures, Shagamu, Ogun State. You can see that I am half dead. I am partially blind and this is the handwork of the two Ghanaians. One of them is my conductor and the other one is his accomplice. On the fateful day, I did not have the premonition that something sinister was going to happen to me.

I was assigned by my company to go and pick 600 bags of sugar to supply to a Brewery in Benin City, Edo State. I went with my conductor, Matthew a Ghanaian but I didn’t know that he is a killer and a robber. I did not know that he was planning to kill me and divert the goods the company sent us to deliver to another company. My conductor told me that I should assist one of his friends who joined us at the Command area of Shagamu as he was going to Benin. Out of my magnanimity, I accepted to offer my conductor and his friend assistance. I did not know that I was digging my own grave. Really, the guy met us and I recognised him as one of our staff who was sacked some time ago.

“My conductor’s friend narrated how he has been suffering and I pitied him and even bought food for him and my conductor. They did not portray any iota of wickedness as they were showing appreciations to me and was so relaxed with them. When we arrived Olukwu, near Benin, I became tired and parked my vehicle and slept off inside the front seat. I was in very deep sleep when something like the fire started ravaging my body and I quickly woke up in excruciating pains.
I did not know what was happening to me but I could not see again. I started shouting for help. As I was shouting for help, the fire was cutting me into pieces. While I was shouting I was hearing the voices of my conductor and his friend. They were speaking in Ghana language mixed with pigeon English. My conductor was telling his friend to finish me with the wheel spanner and his freind replied that the acid was enough to kill him. That was when I realised that it was acid they poured on me.

I pretended as if I was dead. My conductor said, the man is already dead, and they dragged me out of the vehicle and dumped me by the roadside. It was at that instance that I started shouting for help and some good Nigerians rushed me to the hospital. I temporarily lost consciousness. I was later told by my family members that they were informed that robbers poured acid on me and took away my company’s vehicle. I can’t really say how i
I was traced to Benin by the management of my Company also the directed has been taking care of my medical bill.
“As it is now, I don’t know whether I will survive, because the pain is too much to bear. I am going through serious pains. I have been told that I need plastic surgery and I need to save one of the eyes that I use to see partially. The other one is totally blind. Secondly, I need justice. I am begging that the government should let those who poured me acid go through the same pains that I am going through. I did good for them and they paid me with evil. They should be paid with the coins they paid me. I must commend my company and The Nigeria Police IRT Unit. Also The company is trying, but the burden is too much for a one-man business. The company cannot single-handedly foot my bills. I don’t want to  die, i still have wife and children to cater for.”
On his part, The Arrested Suspect Eric admitted buying N2000 worth of acid at Shagamu with the intent of pouring it on the driver.
He said that it was Matthew who pushed him into the crime: ” We are not professional robbers. We are ordinary thieves. We use to steal small Car batteries and other crimes Before Mathew planned the Operation and begged me to join him hence we started perfecting the plans. We agreed that after killing the driver, we would divert the Truck and sell all the goods and also sell the back of the truck only because the head of the truck has a tracking device hidden inside. When we arrived Olukwu in Edo State I poured the acid into a cup and then handed it over to Mathew who poured it on the driver who was fast asleep. It was when the driver screamed in pains that I realised the gravity of what we had done. 

The driver was able to recognise us because I shouted Eric’s me. The driver responded in Yoruba “Omo Ghana has killed me”.
“We drove the truck to Matthew’s sisters house in Owo where someone was waiting to buy the sugar. We kept the goods in the care of Matthew’s sister and drove the truck head back to Olukwu where we abandoned it. We later sold the back of the truck to someone for N700,000. The buyer paid N600,000. I gave Matthew N300,000 and i kept the other N300,000 to myself. We then relocated to Nsuka where we went to see a herbalist and we were arrested at Nsuka Enugu State” 

Suspects arrested have all confessed to the crime, Truck and Some parts of the goods recovered and they will soon be charged to Court

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