We won't lose sleep over Nigeria's bid to buy aircraft from US - IPOB

We won't lose sleep over Nigeria's bid to buy aircraft from US - IPOB
The Indigenous Peo­ples of Biafra (IPOB), says it does not lose sleep over the move by Ni­geria to acquire fighter jets from the US, arguing that the transaction will not stop the bid for the actualisation of Biafra.
IPOB further argued that the US as a sovereign country has the right to sell military hardware to any country of its choice includ­ing Nigeria, but maintained such deal would not in any way stop the agitation for Biafra restoration.
A statement by the group said that even though the Nigeria military has poor human rights records, such transaction could not have been stopped by IPOB be­cause of the compelling need to deploy the jets in the war against Boko Haram.
“Because in their (USA) view, Boko Haram threat has to be dealt with militar­ily. It’s for IPOB (US) to pro­vide compelling reason(s) as to why the sale of these aircrafts will be detrimental to overall US national inter­est.
“The United States of America is a country of ci­vilised people, therefore, they base their foreign pol­icy decisions on cold hard facts and self-preservation, not sentiment or emotion.
“ Boko Haram is an ex­tremist violent Islamic group and falls within the category of issues that US accords the utmost priority; so, this deal is nothing to worry about.”
IPOB, however, accused Britain of facilitating the deal because of its opposi­tion to any move to split Nigeria, a union it allegedly midwifed without the con­sent of the people.
“Nigeria remains a ‘sover­eign’ state, with the backing of US closest ally, Britain, that created it. What we are witnessing here is interna­tional politics at play and nothing for IPOB to worry about.
“Britain having publicly vowed to save Nigeria re­cently when they said they won’t allow any break-up, have now gone the extra mile to back up their words with military assistance from the world’s top super power, which is to be ex­pected under the circum­stance.”-The Authority

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