Group asks Boko Haram remnants to surrender as terror war is over

Group asks Boko Haram remnants to surrender as terror war is over

Concerned Profes­sionals’ Congress (CPC), has asked remnants of the Boko Haram terrorists in the North-East to drop their arms and surrender now as time is fast running out, saying that the re­newed global coalition against violent extrem­ism reached last week in Washington DC, United States suggest harder days ahead for all merchants of terror across the world.
The group said time was fast running out on the sect and admonished them to consider living the rest of their lives more peacefully and produc­tively.
In a statement jointly is­sued in Abuja yesterday by its Chief Media Strategist, Mr Emeka Nwapa and the North East Regional Rapporteur, Malam Baba Al-Kasim, the group ad­monished the remnants to heed the advice to en­able them live the rest of their lives productively and peacefully.
It said that the advice to remnants of the sect was against the backdrop of a renewed resolution re­cently by Chiefs of Defence Staff from over 250 coun­tries across continents to eliminate violent extrem­ism and terrorism wher­ever it existed in any part of the world.
The group argued that the fate of the remnants had become compounded by the readiness of the courageous and gallant Nigerian troops of ‘Opera­tion Lafiya Dole’ to finally exterminate Boko Haram having degraded its ca­pacity to launch organ­ised against the people and communities of the North East as they used to do pre-July 2015, adding that their recurring abor­tive suicide attacks on soft targets were further proof of their vanquished state.
‘’It is now clear to all that our troops have bro­ken the neck of Boko Ha­ram. The capacity of the sect had steadily declined owing to the determi­nation of our troops to quickly end this anti-ter­ror war. The only option left for the remnants is to drop their arms and give up their evil fight against the nation. The cookies have crumbled. The only message to them is to surrender now because the game is up’’, the group said. -The Authority

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