ould prepare the payment mandate for One Plus for his signature”.
“After I got the memo, I pre­pared the payment mandate, sent it to him; he signed and sent it back to me.
“The subsequent necessary action was for me to counter-sign, which I did and I sent it to the CBN for payment,” Mahe said.
Earlier, the lead counsel to Roberts, Chief Chris Uche (SAN) had urged the court for a short ad­journment.
Uche said he sought for the adjournment because he had not had ample time to meet with his client since he was granted bail to prepare his defence.
He said that when bail was granted, his team had difficulties in perfecting the bail conditions, adding that the conditions were only perfected last week.
He said they needed more time to prepare their defence because there were some docu­ments that they needed to sub­poena from the office of the NSA.
Uche also sighted indispo­sition as part of the reasons his team was asking for an adjourn­ment.
The prosecuting counsel, Mr. Sylvanus Tahir, however, objected to the application on the grounds that they had a witness already in court who was stopped from go­ing on lesser hajj on account of the trial.
Tahir said that they had pre­vailed on the witness to postpone his trip and not allowing him to give his testimony would amount to a waste of effort.
On the issue of indisposition, Tahir said the defence had about 19 other lawyers on the team and so even without the lead counsel, trial could commence.
The trial judge, Justice Nnam­di Dimgba, agreed with the pros­ecution that the trial should com­mence since the defence had sufficient time to prepare their defence.
Justice Dimgba adjourned the case till July 4 and 5 for continua­tion of the trial.