We'll no longer tolerate herdsmen's attacks - Afenifere

We'll no longer tolerate herdsmen's attacks - Afenifere

We'll no longer tolerate herdsmen's attacks - Afenifere

Yoruba leaders in the South West geopolitical zone under the umbrel­la of the Afenifere, have vowed to no longer tolerate any further attack in any part the region by armed Fulani herdsmen.
As a first step to curbing the excesses of the herdsmen, Afenifere said that it had raised a panel to monitor their activi­ties in the region.
In a communiqué they is­sued after a meeting in the res­idence of the Afenifere Lead­er, Pa Reuben Fasoranti in Akure, the Ondo State capital, the Yoruba leaders condemned the menace of the herdsmen in the South West and other parts of Nigeria.
They said that the report of the panel would reveal to the international community the havoc the herdsmen were wreaking in the South West zone.
Afenifere, in the commu­niqué read to journalists by its Publicity Secretary, Mr. Yinka Odumakin, said: “The herds­men cannot continue to harass us, we are agrarian communi­ties in the South West; many of our people cannot farm again because the herdsmen have tak­en over their farmlands; this cannot continue and that must stop immediately.”
“To show our seriousness on this matter, we have empow­ered a panel to go round all the communities in the South West where the herdsmen have been carrying out all kinds of hav­ocs, to do an on-the-spot as­sessment and compile a docu­mentary and report which we will not hesitate to tell the in­ternational community to look at case if the Nigeria govern­ment continues to prove that it is helpless or unwilling to tame the criminal activities of these Fulani herdsmen.”
Commenting on the recent bloody clash between the Yor­uba and Hausa communities in Ile Ife, Osun State, Afenifere charged the police to refrain from adding tribal colorations to the crisis The Authority

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