Driver in court for damaging co-tenant's eyes in Lagos

Driver in court for damaging co-tenant's eyes in Lagos

A 40-year-old driver, Ikechukwu Offor, who allegedly beat up a co-tenant for not opening the house gate and damaged his eyes, on Monday appeared be­fore an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court.
Offor, a resident of La­gos Street, Agege, Lagos, is being tried for breach of peace and assault.
According to the pros­ecutor, Insp. Clement Okuoimose, the accused committed the offences on February 23 at a tene­ment building.
He said the accused as­saulted the co-tenant, Mr Idowu Onajobi, by beat­ing him and causing dam­age to both eyes.
Okuoimose said follow­ing an agreement by ten­ants, the complainant was nominated to be locking the gate at 11pm and keep the key.
“The complainant was nominated by his co-ten­ants to be locking their gate at 11pm because of the wave of robbery in the area. The accused, who came home late after the gate was locked, started knocking the gate loudly, threatening to destroy it if the gate was not opened for him.
“When the complainant finally opened the gate, the accused descended on him for the delay. He punched him several times in the eyes and dam­aged the eyes,” he said.
He said the complain­ant was still in the hospital receiving treatment as he could not see clearly.
The offences contra­vened Sections 166 and 171 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015 (Re­vised). Section 171 pre­scribes three years impris­onment for assault.
Offor pleaded inno­cence of the offences and was granted bail in the sum of N50,000 with one surety in like sum.
The Magistrate, Mrs Y. O. Ekogbule, adjourned the case till April 17 for mention.

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